The Fire These Times
99/ Inconvenient Findings and Enduring Hierarchies w/ Marie Berry and Milli Lake

99/ Inconvenient Findings and Enduring Hierarchies w/ Marie Berry and Milli Lake

This is a conversation with Marie E. Berry and Milli Lake, co-founders and principal investigators of the Women’s Rights After War Project. We primarily spoke about their article "on inconvenient findings" and their paper for Annual Reviews "women's rights after war: on gender interventions and enduring hierarchies"

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Topics Discussed:

  • The limitations of many 'women's empowerment' programs

  • What happens when research findings challenge the work that policy makers are invested in promoting? Example of degrowth and economics

  • Who gets excluded when certain interests (such as class) are maintained?

  • Examples of Rwanda, Bosnia and Lebanon

  • Narrowly-defined arena for justice

  • The three Dayton agreements (referencing the episode with Aida Hozic) and ongoing situation in Bosnia and Serbia

  • War logics in 'postwar' contexts

  • The USA as a 'postwar' country

  • Should we make inconvenient findings less inconvenient?

  • The idea of nation states

  • The role of futurism and speculative movements

Resources Mentioned:

  • 69/ The Entrenched “Manliness” of Ethnic Power-sharing Peace Agreements (with Aida A. Hozić) https://thefirethisti.me/2021/03/28/69-the-entrenched-manliness-of-ethnic-power-sharing-peace-agreements-with-aida-a-hozic/

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The Fire These Times
A podcast project working to uplift internationalist dialogues on human rights, climate change, and visions of bold futures. Our unique editorial team are deeply committed to weaving together radical perspectives from the periphery. By Elia Ayoub, Leila Al-Shami, Ayman Makarem, Dana El Kurd, Karena Avedissian, Daniel Voskoboynik, Anna M, Aydın Yıldız, Ed S, Alice Bonfatti & Israa Abdel Fattah.
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